Sunday, November 14, 2010


Halloween and such. (This is my 5th blog post of the day so if you want to see more pictures scroll on down.... if you dare...).

Look at these cute children! All the chlidren's dads (5) are in the MBA program at University of Rochester.

The pink leopard and Strawberry Shortcake.

I think they have had enough pictures taken...

At the ward Halloween party.

Getting ready to take Brooklyn trick or treating to a few of the doors in our neighborhood on Sunday night. I am still in my dress from church so no I did not dress up nice to go trick or treating. We had four sets of missionaires over for a halloween dinner of chili, cornbread, artichoke dip and apple crisp for dessert. We love having the missionaries over and making them feel at home. It brings back wonderful memories of our mission. I always hope my brother Adam is being treated the same way in his mission.  

After all the costumes, candy, fun and parties Brooklyn decided to fall asleep... awww precious picture.

There are many fun farms to go to here in NY. We enjoyed this one espcially Brooklyn!

I had to show off my husband's cooking skills! A wonderful lady in our ward taught Matt had to make these breads and they were delicious!!! Can't wait to have more!

Having fun taking pictures in the little woods behind our home.

We miss you Adriana!! We hope you enjoy the mission and bring many closer to Christ!!!


Ashleigh said...

Shari you have such a cute family. Looks like you are living it up back east how fun, also you are so BEAUTIFUL!!!!